Children's Ministries

Celebrating a Community of Grace

Welcome to OPNAZKIDS!  When you visit us, you will become aware that we are a multicultural community, celebrating our oneness in Christ.  OPNAZKIDS love Missions, and your child will have many opportunities to experience different cultures and to learn how God’s invitation of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, is for all.

We desire at Overland Park Church of the Nazarene to partner with parents in communicating to children God’s great love for us, impressing upon children a reverence and knowledge of God, and nurturing a personal, transformative relationship with Jesus Christ.

We offer intentional times for intergenerational worship, fellowship, and service, understanding that children are integral members of the body of Christ who are shaped by God’s Spirit in the faith community.

Our Children’s Workers are screened and receive training in child-safe practices in order to provide a safe and secure environment for your family.

Programs for Children

Children’s Church 10:45AM* (3 years - through 5th grade) – Children transition from Church during the morning worship service for a Bible lesson, craft, music, playtime and snacks.  When weather permits, children will have opportunities to play on the playground. All children are welcome to participate (the lesson will be geared to the 3yrs-through 5th grade ages.

Intergenerational Worship and Children’s Church (all children through 5th grade) - Understanding the importance of children participating with their families in corporate worship, but also recognizing the need for lessons geared to their age level, we provide opportunities for both. Children remain in the service on Communion Sundays and for other special services. Please check the weekly bulletin for Children’s Church times.

Missions Education* - OPNAZKIDS are excited about Missions!  They look forward to monthly Missions lessons and activities, and enjoy reading the World Missions Missionary books.  Our children also have many opportunities to hear special speakers from around the world in our morning worship services. 

Children’s District Bible Quizzing (1st - 6th grades) - Healthy competition, great fun and a better knowledge of the Bible are the goals of this program in which elementary children participate in competitions with other churches regarding Bible study and scripture memory. OPNAZ Bible Quizzers join in the Wednesday Night lessons and activities and then practice for the upcoming quiz meet.  This program runs from August through March. 

*Must be potty trained to participate in these activites